Product Sourcing

All the experts agree that the most asked and most important question for Home Based Business Owners selling on the internet is; "Where do I find products to sell online?"

The answer is simple: RESEARCH. However, while the answer may be simple, the actual research is not. It's extremely important to work with only genuine Factory Authorized Distributors or the Manufacturers of the products you want to sell. If you don't, you'll pay too much for your products and your competition will beat you every time.

Product Sourcing Research is locating companies that sell products wholesale and verifying that the company is legitimate by performing a thorough investigation of the company. Finding those GENUINE Wholesalers is a lot harder and more time consuming than it may seem.

The major search engines contain literally thousands of websites run by Scam Artists who CLAIM to be real wholesalers, but are NOT. They simply get in between you and the real wholesaler and raise your wholesale prices. They're very good at looking like real wholesalers and they fool a lot of people. They know they're cheating you and they don't care.

Still today, many REAL factory authorized distributors do not advertise on the internet. These are large wholesale companies and they don't believe it's worth their time and effort to advertise to small home based business owners. Many of them WILL work you with you if you can find them!

We are in the wholesale research and verification business. So Product Sourcing is what we do, full time. Over the past decade, we have researched tens of thousands of companies that claim to be Wholesalers.

Some companies we've looked at ARE real Wholesalers, and some are not. Our Full Time Research Team talks personally with each and every one of them, to determine whether they are a good fit for our Directory.

We have very high standards! Even many of the companies who are real wholesalers don't "make the cut" to get listed in our Directory. Our Research Team's ONLY job is to qualify more and more legitimate Wholesale Suppliers who will agree to work with Home Based Businesses like you. Our staff works on that Research five days a week, all year 'round.

Here's how WE do it.

Step 1: Leads

We have purchased specialized raw contact lists of thousands of manufacturers and wholesale suppliers. Each list is a specialized category, such as; Home Decor, Baby Products, Jewelry, etc. When we get this raw data, there is no way to know which of these companies are willing to Drop Ship, Light Bulk Wholesale, Liquidate, provide Instant Wholesale Buys, or even work with Home Based Businesses that sell Online at all. It is simply a huge amount of raw contact data on companies who make and wholesale products.

Step 2: Contact

Our Research Team knows exactly the kind of Wholesale Suppliers you need for your Online Business. After first doing a little background checking on the potential wholesale supplier, our Researchers then telephone the Supplier we find, over and over if necessary, until they speak to someone at each company. then they ask a series of questions that determines whether each company might be a good fit for our Directory and for our Members.

Step 3: Qualification

Once we decide that a Wholesale Supplier passes all of our more than twenty qualifications, they must submit and certify that the information they provided to us was accurate. Then, the suppliers are passed through one final verification process by our Research Manager to ensure final compliance for our Directory

Step 4: Final Processing

Finally we load all of the Certified Wholesale Supplier's product types, brand names and contact details into our Directory of WBI Certified™ Wholesalers and make the new supplier live in our Directory for our members to locate.

As you can see, we are VERY serious about the quality of the information our company provides. We are NOT just some guy sitting in his basement, selling a worthless list of Search Engine Results that took him an hour to put together. This full time Research is WHAT WE DO FOR A LIVING every day. It's our business, we were the first. Our families and the families of our employees depend on the quality we put into our work. We do not compromise that quality for any reason, ever!

Finding Dropshipped Wholesale Products to Sell

To get the best wholesale prices is to get the products to sell directly from a Certified Wholesaler. That is why we have spent years visiting tradeshows, visiting wholesalers and finding genuine wholesale suppliers who will work with new online sellers. It's not easy, but after over a decade we have collected the internet's largest, most comprehensive Directory of Certified Wholesalers you can find anywhere...and we add new Certified Wholesalers daily!